About the Chiropractic at Dorr Chiropractic

All chiropractic offices operate a little differently. Whether it’s their systems, fees or adjusting techniques, we all perform the art of chiropractic in a different way. Whether you found Dorr Chiropractic online or were referred by someone, I want you to know exactly what to expect when you walk in. So below is a video that will orient you as to what chiropractic is, how it should best be utilized and how it can help you.

Thanks so much for your interest in coming to Dorr Chiropractic. My name’s Mike Dumond. I started adjusting spines in 2012 and opened this office, in 2018.

I wanted a spot people could feel free to stop into for an adjustment anytime and for any reason. And that is what Dorr Chiropractic has been all about.

I’ve been married to my high school girlfriend since 2009. We have 3 wonderful kids who my wife does an amazing job of homeschooling.

I, myself enjoy playing hoops with old friends and also rock climbing with the kids when we can get a chance.

School-wise I graduated from Grand Valley State then headed to a chiropractic college in St. Louis called Logan University.

At the office I use a very manual style of adjusting- mainly because that’s the style I prefer when I see my chiropractor a time or two a month.

And that’s about it. If you have any questions the website didn’t answer please reach out with a text or call anytime. Hope to see you soon.


At Dorr Chiropractic no insurance is needed. Fees are posted below and are typically less than most insurance co-pays. The entire goal when I opened Dorr Chiropractic in 2018 was to make chiropractic adjustments as accessible and affordable as possible. That way families can make getting adjusted part of a lifestyle that is focused on health and healing well.

Adults- $33
(Adults 18 years old and up)

Kids- $10
(Kids 17 years and younger)